
Dangers of Extreme Exercise

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Dangers of Extreme Exercise

If you want to get fit and lose weight, you should exercise as hard as you can, for as long as you can, every day, right? Wrong! Research shows extreme exercise can cause chronic health problems and make you feel worse. (What constitutes over exercise depends on the individual and their fitness level.) Recovery time is as important as the exercise itself. Over exercising can cause the following health issues: Increased inflammation Fatigued adrenals, the stress-handling glands More bad gut bacteria Leaky gut Depleted hormones Depressed immunity Increased risk of injury Bone loss Too much exercise raises inflammation Many of the issues...

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Posted by Rommel Geronimo on

This is a testimonial from my patient Lisa Rodriguez: All to often we only find time to write reviews when we have negative experiences, rarely do we do the opposite. In this case, it is my heartfelt privilege to write this review and relay my daughter’s experience with Dr. Rommel Geronimo, as he has been the health care provider to finally give us a definitive answer to my daughter’s persistent ailments. My daughter, now 12 years old, has had a lifetime of constant sickness, and exhaustion. Kids her age were always on the go around her, playing, exerting energy and...

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Nitric Oxide for autoimmune and chronic disorders

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Nitric Oxide for autoimmune and chronic disorders

When it comes to autoimmune disease and other chronic health conditions, taming inflammation is the name of the game. This can be difficult because the body creates vicious cycles where inflammation keeps feeding more inflammation. This makes halting the progression of autoimmune disease and chronic health issues difficult…but not impossible. However, we now know about nutritional ingredients that can boost anti-inflammatory efforts. These ingredients act on two inflammatory immune messengers called “nitrous oxide” and “IL-17.” IL-17 is a pro-inflammatory immune cell that damages body tissue, such as the thyroid gland in autoimmune Hashimoto’s, the joints in rheumatoid arthritis, or the...

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Intermittent Fasting

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Intermittent Fasting

For more information on improving brain function, click on to Humans have been fasting for millennia, either for religious or spiritual reasons or simply due to lack of food. Today, a new form of fasting called intermittent fasting is increasingly popular among those seeking it’s anti-aging and health benefits. Intermittent fasting, or IF, makes fasting an everyday part of life versus something you do once or twice a year. Many people use it successfully for weight loss and inflammation as well as to improve brain function and insulin sensitivity. The promise of increased longevity is another reason people choose to fast...

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Arsenic in Rice

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Arsenic in Rice

Gluten-free and worried about arsenic in rice? What to know For more information on improving brain function, click on to Gluten-free folks accustomed to eating rice-based gluten-free breads, pastas, cereals, and other substitutes may be consuming dangerously high levels of arsenic. In fact, a 2017 study showed people on a gluten-free diet consuming rice-based products on a regular basis showed almost twice as much arsenic in their urine compared to those who did not (and 70 percent more mercury, another troublesome finding.) Why arsenic is harmful Arsenic is a naturally occurring heavy metal. It is the inorganic arsenic (not bound to...

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