T & B Lymphocyte / Natural Killer Cell (CD56) Panel with CBC and Differential with Platelet Count
% CD 4 Pos. Lymph
% CD 8 Pos. Lymph.
Absolute CD 4 Helper
% CD 3 Pos. Lymph.
% CD19+ Lymphs
% NK (CD56/16)
Ab NK (CD56/16)
Abs. CD 8 Suppressor
Abs.CD19+ Lymphs
Absolute CD 3
CD4/CD8 Ratio
Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential & Platelet Count
% CD 4 Pos. Lymph
% CD 8 Pos. Lymph.
Absolute CD 4 Helper
% CD 3 Pos. Lymph.
% CD19+ Lymphs
% NK (CD56/16)
Ab NK (CD56/16)
Abs. CD 8 Suppressor
Abs.CD19+ Lymphs
Absolute CD 3
CD4/CD8 Ratio
Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential & Platelet Count